A Must Ask Question If You're In a Relationship

Relationships are my holy ground and biggest learning platform in life. My soul has been stretched, pulled, expanded and grown because of relationships.

I've learned so much about myself because I understand that our loved ones are our mirror. Reflecting back to us everything about ourselves that we need to look at. I celebrate having this incredible opportunity for immense growth.

I have yet to talk about romantic relationships. The person that is companion, our partner, our ride or die buddy.

When we two people can grow together that is magic. When two people can hold the space for each other to show up authentically that is love. When two people can consciously communicate how they really feel that is support.

Not too long ago I asked a question to myself and then, I asked the same question to my partner. This question radically has changed our relationship. It created the awareness we both needed to know how to show up as our best versions, not for each other, but for ourselves.

What we can't give to ourselves, we can't give to another.

Let this question awaken you to what you really desire from the one!

Be patient. Be gentle. Be kind.