Writing a Love Letter to Myself for 30 days


Every time I choose a loving thought about myself, I increase my vibration.

Love letter

n. a letter or note written by someone to his or her sweetheart or lover

Why not put a twist on it? Write one to yourself.

One day in meditation a thought floated into my field of awareness. This thought said: write a love letter to yourself.

I smiled big as I sat with my eyes closed inviting this thought in. A few days prior I had told the Universe, show me new ways I can better my relationship with myself. So when this thought came I knew it was divinely guided. I took on the assignment with an open heart.

I set out to write a love letter to myself everyday for the next 30 days. I began on November 1st and completed this project on November 30th.

Between those 30 days, I cannot put into words the amount of inner transformation I have experienced. Note: alongside writing the love letters, I was also meditating an hour a day. 

In the video below I share my experience of doing the love letter project:

My biggest takeaways from 30 days of the love letter project:

  1. Only loving thoughts feel good. If I am looking to feel good, I must choose a loving thought about myself.

  2. My unloving thoughts about myself will never allow me to feel good.

  3. I deserve my own forgiveness. When I forgive myself I put a stop to the blame.

  4. Only love can heal and it can heal even the deepest of wounds.

  5. Sending love to myself is sooo vital if I intend to have a healthy, positive and supportive relationship with myself. I send love in two ways:

    a.) Every morning I look at myself in the mirror, stare deep into my eyes and say I love you as I feel the power of these words.

    b.) I imagine my child self as I say I love myself, I bless myself, I forgive myself.

  6. By loving myself I heal faster, deeper and powerfully

  7. Every relationship in my life is a mirror of the relationship I have with myself. If I am loving to myself, I will have a loving and lovely relationship with others

  8. Only I can hurt me, not someone else or something else.

  9. Every part of me is valuable. All of my flaws, mistakes and poor decisions have added up to who I am right now. I shall Embrace it!

  10. Every time I choose a loving thought about myself I increase my vibration.

  11. I make whole by choosing love.

  12. Feeling worthy is a result of loving myself.

I invite you to do The Love Letter Project. Go in with an open heart and give yourself the Love you know you freakin' deserve and are worth! I created a workbook, Dear Beloved: Love Letters to Yourself. Learn how to express love, kindness, compassion and acceptance to yourself through these engaging and expansive prompts. It'll make you think, but most importantly it will help you get to know who you are. Write your way into a passionate love affair with yourself!

Want more ways to amp of the self-love in your life and really get into that energy? Watch the free online self-love workshop self-love workshop in the Treasure Chest, which is full tools and resources to help you be empowered. Get access here.

Want support on your journey to create a healthier, loving and whole relationship with yourself? You can work with me privately through 1:1 coaching. Click here to learn more about coaching with me.