Using Emotions as Guidance

I believe this is the most profound spiritual teaching we can use to help us be embodied as our true self.

The teaching of our emotional guidance system or being emotionally conscious. A sort of GPS tool always giving feedback about our alignment with our true self.

The soul, heart, true self - whatever name you want to call it is pure love. And anytime we feel anything other than love, we have separated ourselves from our source. Our negative emotion is a signal telling us 'hey you're way off right now, and this is why you're feeling bad'.

I am so passionate about this topic, because once I truly understood in my heart (not as a concept, but a knowing) my inner world changed. I no longer felt disempowered when a negative feeling arose within, but felt this greater sense of connection with myself because my internal GPS system was working!

Omg, I feel bad! How great it is to know that this feeling is guidance telling me something. It has a message for me. What a huge relief to know that my emotions are always guiding me back home to what is really true for me!

In this video I explain the process I take myself through by using my emotions as guidance.

Questions to prompt yourself with: What is this feeling trying to tell me? What wound is triggered right now? What's asking to be healed?

Anytime I feel good, I am being true to myself.

Stay open.

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