Change Yourself Instead of Trying to Change Everything Else


We can only ever change ourselves, and in changing ourselves that 'stuff' out there changes too.

I have this intense urge to write. So here I am sat at a round table at the library where it is quiet except for the sounds of people walking by, getting up, pulling books out of the shelf or in my case typing away.

Today is the solar eclipse. I haven't read up on it too much, but all I can say is that I feel it! Something is brewing in the air. We are being asked to let go of the old, and embrace the new. It is a time of purification, rebirth, awakening and claiming what is true.

We can no longer hide behind a mask of illusions, lies and perpetual habits and behaviors that are eating away at us. We have to choose to let go of all that is not serving, helping or supporting us. We must reclaim the new. We must choose to be different, to respond differently and to be different than who we have always been out of comfort and familiarity.

We must be grounded in the things we can change, which is only ourselves.

Can you truly change something other than yourself? No. Never. Stop trying right now.

So it is high time we give up on trying to change people, circumstances, things and choose that our only power lies in making a change within ourselves. This is where we must go, within. To make changes in ourselves so we can experience people, circumstances, things differently, in a new light, in a new way that is rooted in love.

The only real power we have to make change is when it is self directed. We can only ever change ourselves, and in changing ourselves that 'stuff' out there changes too.

We can change our perception, our definitions, our behaviors, our patterns, our habits, our thoughts, our feelings, our mindset, our beliefs, our challenges, our struggles, our problems, our self-talk, our judgements. We can just about change anything we want to within and about us. And now is the time to realize that it is the only place where true change can happen.

Change yourself yourself or spend your whole entire life trying to change everything else. Both require work and effort, but changing yourself actually empowers you and always has a positive outcome.

Change yourself, instead of trying to change everything else.

Are you ready to rise to this endeavor or will you continue to struggle by placing all your attention, power, energy on things you cannot change and let it ruin your peace of mind? Or will you for realize the only thing you can truly change or have power over is yourself?

And in doing so you elevate your entire existence. You shine.

Stay open.