You are the Heartbeat of the Universe

Ever since I was a kid, I've been a quotes snob. I loved collecting quotes, reading them and making my own. However this quote by Joseph Campbell has stayed with me since I first stumbled upon it as a teen.

"The goal of life is to match your heartbeat to the beat of the Universe". 

I've re-read this quote thousands of times, trying to understand what he meant. Did the Universe have a heartbeat, if so, what does it sounds like? This got me curious. Of course, the Universe has a heartbeat. I do, so it must as well. The fact that I have never heard it didn't make a difference to me. I knew in my heart the Universe had one. As I grew older, life started to get more interesting as I began to face many adversities, challenges, roadblocks and struggles. I call this period in my life, "My divine storm" because it shook me up and woke me up to the 'reality' that I was never aware of, but always knew was the better way to living.

These words, by Joseph Campbell, came running back to me at that time. It finally clicked like a spark had gone off. I knew what the Universe sounded like. All I had to do was listen to my own heartbeat and the beating heart of every living thing on the planet. We all have a heartbeat. It beats, it gets excited, it gets sad, it cries, it celebrates, it loves, it gets happy, it does so many things! My heartbeat is the heartbeat of the Universe, and the heartbeat of the Universe is my and your heartbeat. We are connected and a part of this mystical Universe's heartbeat. To know it, you have to get to know yourself. The more you know who you are, the more you feel a connection with the Universe.

So what's the goal Campbell is talking about? To actualize yourself. As you self-actualize you match your heartbeat to the heartbeat of the Universe. You finally meet in the synchronicity of each passing beat, allowing yourself to feel the love beating from the Universe for you, to you. Your meeting point is the oneness that allows you to understand yourself as the Universe in ecstatic motion, as the genius within whose only requirement is to bring forth the potential within!

To know yourself as the Universe is to know yourself as the heartbeat of the Universe. The goal is met, the bliss is understood and the feelings are totally mutual. Because, you've come home.