Difference Between Living from your Heart Space and your Head Space


Releasing yourself from your head spaceWhen I started on the Spiritual path I wasn’t really aware of the voices that perpetuated my internal dialogue. However, I always knew there was a strong distinct voice. Most often that voice didn’t sound very nice. The voice spoke through remarks, judgments and observations in different ways but, using the same underline technique: to halt me from growing and experiencing my true Self.

Not until I started to bring awareness to what the voice was telling me, did I really begin to understand how it was telling me what it was telling me. How was it speaking to me? Its words were constraining, limiting, judgmental, rude and delusional. For years I bought into its dialogue thinking it was the truth of who I am.

When I started a process of self-inquiry I began to realize that this is not how I would want to speak to anyone, so why do I speak to myself this way? Having awareness around how I wanted to speak to myself, I consciously decided to change how I choose to speak to myself. If how I was speaking to myself wasn’t empowering, loving and supportive, then it wasn’t the truth of who I am.

Releasing yourself from your headspace and leaping into your heart space is the most beautiful, exhilarating and freeing step you can take on your self-development journey.

What does living in your headspace mean?

You have a constant chatter of thoughts that are limiting, loathing, critical, denying, worrisome, insecure, projecting fear or judgment and even soothing or empathetic in a way that is blaming someone else for how you are feeling. It’s what we have learned from our childhood conditioning and learned responses to challenges and adversities. Our habitual patterns of how we respond, interpret, react and perceive the world in relation to our viewpoint of who we are. Living in your headspace means your self-image is determined by what others think of you; therefore it is constantly changing to adapt to other peoples’ opinions of you. Your sense of Self is made up of all the things others have told you in regards to who they think you are and who you are not. It is very limiting and constraining as you try to mold yourself into an image that others will like. If it feels constraining or limiting then it’s not the truth of who you are because the truth is not limiting that’s why it sets you free.

What does living in your heart space mean?

An inner knowing. A knowing that cannot be explained, but felt. You feel light, free, expansive and alive. You don’t question why you are doing what you are doing, but you feel pulled to do it. Living from your heart space means listening to your feelings and understanding what they are telling you. It feels just right and aligned to who you are. It feels authentic.

How can you begin to live from your heart space?

Begin by getting aware of your feelings and how you feel about anything. I like to sometimes put my hand on my heart and tune into the energy of my body and ask myself “How do I feel about this”. Our feelings indicate what’s moving for us and how it is being played out in the body. For example, if you are feeling anxious. Feel for your anxiety. Where do you feel it in your body? What color does it have? Give it a name. Describe it. Creating ways to understand our feelings allows us to better decipher what they are telling us.

When we take the time to acknowledge and feel our feelings, we can learn to make better decisions that are for our highest good. Heart energy is always loving, supportive and empowering. When we live from our heart space we are self-compassionate. True healing is in total acceptance of who we are. As acceptance becomes the foundation for our growth and self-improvement, we no longer judge or condemn our Being. Instead, we begin to honor and celebrate it. What you celebrate, you honor.

So ask yourself: How can I celebrate myself? How can I honor myself? In celebrating and honoring myself I live from my heart space.

If you want to further explore the art of living in your heart space, I highly suggest doing this Kundalini Yoga Meditation on Loving and Accepting yourself for 40 days.

I did the meditation for 40 days earlier this year and it profoundly helped me to better understand when I was operating from my heart space verse my headspace. It’s a process of unlearning and remembering your true identity as the infinite spirit and divine light. You will gain a better awareness of which voice you want to listen to and which ‘animal’ you want to feed as you choose to accept and love yourself.

Your true nature is infinite, limitless and expansive. What determines the way you do anything is personal power. Choose to empower yourself and shift your power from your head into your heart. Heart space energy is love energy and what you love you empower.

Ready to come home to yourself? Learn more about coaching with me here.