Week 11 - High Vibe Living


This past week has been incredibly amazing for me as I celebrate a huge milestone: running a 5k distance! I've never been much of a runner, but have always had a huge admiration for the sport. So I decided to challenge my limiting belief and give running a go. Doing all this high energy movement has really put me into my high vibe and I feel great! So this week we are going to talk about high vibe living and how to be in your high vibration.

With only 2 more weeks of the project left, I want to leave you with applicable tools that you can use even after this project is finished, to keep you living authentically!

High vibe living is all about being in your well-being. Understand that you are a well-being. You don't create well-being, you be it. So what is essential to your well-being? Make a long exhaustive list of everything you know that puts you into your well-being. Then, take daily action steps into your well-being. These action steps will raise your vibration. You align with your well-being by being in your high vibe.

In the video I talk about what high vibe vs. low vibe is and how you can get in your high vibe:

High Vibe = Feeling Good = Aligned to your Higher Self.

Action steps into Well-Being

Its all about raising your energy and raising you vibration. How do you do that? You do things that make you feel good, which is not followed by guilt or shame, and allows you to feel aligned with your higher self.

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Notice when you're in a low vibration. You will know because you will not be having loving thoughts. Instead, your thoughts will be of fear, worry, anxiety, depressed, doubt, guilt, shame, etc. Now is the time to take an action step towards your high vibe and well-being. For me the way I know I am in my low vibe is when I am attacking myself. Those feelings serve as my cue to take an action step that will change my energy. Knowing what your action step is before hand will greatly come in use when you're amidst a low vibe struggle. Since you've done the work and figured what action steps will get you out of low vibe into high vibe, you can do it right away and see immediate results.

Low Vibe ----> Awareness ----> Action Step = Change the Energy ----> High Vibe ----> Well-Being

Know your Fundamentals

You know what action steps you can take when you're in a low vibe zone, but what can you do daily to keep your energy elevated?

Know your fundamentals. What are your fundamentals? The things you do consistently to connect and be your higher self. These are things that raise your vibration and elevate your energy.

For example, mine are: connecting with others whether through smiling at a stranger or complimenting someone, writing, meditating, running and eating clean. I know when I do all these things daily and consistently my energy is high and I feel amazing. So make a list of your fundamentals, do them consistently and come back to them when you feel off or low vibe. Usually when things aren't working in our lives its because our energy is stagnant. To change things change your energy and let it flow! Your fundamentals will come in handy greatly in doing this!

Get Clear on your Energy

Get clear on your energy, especially the energy behind the things you do. Is it a low vibration energy or high vibration? Just a simple act of doing something doesn't mean its progressing you forward. Get to know the energy behind what you are doing. Ask yourself: Am I doing this from a high vibe energy or low vibe energy? When you choose to do things with high vibe energy you will feel aligned with your higher self. You won't be questioning yourself. Instead, you will feel confident and assured.

A low vibration energy is fear based and a high energy vibration is love based. The more loving you are towards yourself, the more you cultivate high vibe energy into your life.

Before you have to do anything or make a decision ask yourself how you are feeling. Are you feeling low vibration or high vibration? Never make any decision from a low energy vibration because it'll be coming from fear. Do energy clearing by taking sometime to get into your high vibration then, do the task or take the decision.

You can clear the energy by calling in light and choosing to connect to light. Take a light shower in which you imagine yourself standing under a light waterfall. The light permeates your whole entire being and transcends any darkness or low energy into Light itself. You'll feel more clear and at ease. Say this affirmation as you take your light shower: By calling in Light, I choose to see myself as the Light.

Remember, when you raise your vibration you choose to connect with your higher self. You are then allowing your higher self to assist you and guide you. The more you connect daily to your higher self, the more life will just flow. Tell me below how you raise you vibration and get into your high vibe?