Week 12 - The Final Week + Loving the Journey

d37ff42e4d64659ae9a6726e427c0777Happy First Day of Fall!

Wow, we have finally arrived at the last week of the project! I cannot believe 11 weeks have gone by so fast. Its been a beautiful, eye-opening and incredibly awakening journey for me. I hope that it has been the same if not even better for you!

This week we are going to keep it simple and do an evaluation. There will be no worksheet for this week. Instead, I want you take this week and review the project. See what you've learned, how you've grown, what you've overcome and what is still presenting a challenge. With only 100 days left of 2014, I want you to really focus on your well-being and releasing the old. The only thing blocking and getting in your way is you. So ask yourself, how can I stay true to myself? What have I learned about myself these past 11 weeks? These are the only two new questions I am asking you to answer this week as you review your growth, practice self-compassion and play out how you will show up for the remainder of 2014. I've made a Top Big Ideas List for you encompassing everything we've learned from the Inner Discovery Project. You'll get your own copy to your inbox along with my final email to you! Use it as inspiration and a reminder to stay committed to growth and always choosing love over fear.

Week 12 - Inner Discovery Project

All progress is a step forward regardless of how slow it may seem. The path of a warrior is one of complete trust that everything is a journey, but what counts is your attitude and perseverance that will help you progress forward. Move with ease, calm and a knowing that you are BEING who you intend to be as you choose the most loving thoughts about you and let go of the unloving ones. The journey forward is rewarding. Keep walking beautiful!

If you didn't follow through with your intentions for this project or fell behind, forgive yourself. You are doing the best you can with where you are in your life. Don't let it dull your sparkle or diminish your potential. Start up again, get curious, ask the questions, seek to grow, seek to uncover, know that you can actualize who you are and live as your authentic expression.

In today's video I explain what authentic expression is and how you can love the journey:

I want you to take your intentions you made during prep week and revisit them. See how you've aligned intention with action to create results in your life. Here is my evaluation:

When I embarked on this project my intentions were -

To make a conscious decision to know myself better, connect with my highest truth, build and strengthen the bond with my inner guidance, live my authentic expression, grow and be unapologetic about sharing my light with the world.

1. To Grow: I have grown significantly! I am kind, gentle, patient, loving and compassionate towards myself. This is something I never knew how to do before.

2. To be my authentic expression: I have learned to listen to my highest thoughts about me, this allows me to choose love. In choosing love, I choose authenticity. Authenticity to me is being loving towards myself at all times.

3. Connect with my Inner Guidance: I am on day 37 of 40 of the Kirtan Kriya Meditation. This meditation has been pivotal for me in letting go of my old habits, patterns and negative beliefs. I started doing Morning Pages - 3 pages of stream of conscious writing everyday. I started running again, a process of mind, body and spirit all coming together as one. Also, I started the A Course in Miracles Workbook.

4. Share my light and message with the world: I am definite that I am a Life Coach. I love connecting with people, helping others step into their light and live as their authentic expression. This gives me true joy and happiness! Seeing other people light up and step up into who they TRULY are gives me goosebumps, makes me feel incredibly abundant and my whole being is filled with gratitude!

As I move forward, my intentions remain the same as I challenge myself to take what I have learned and continue to apply it into my life. I will keep the Facebook Group Page active so you can continue to connect with me or with each other. You can post what your going through, if you want more insight or want to share something! I will keep you all in the loop as well.

Lastly, thank you for signing up for the project and going through this journey with me. I appreciate your honesty, support and your willingness to be vulnerable. My sincere wish for you is, may you find what you are seeking: Yourself! May you always be pulled by the tugs of your heart. May you allow it to lead you as you unapologetically show up as yourself. May you share and shine your light. May you be filled with infinite peace, love and compassion. May you fall deeply in love with your Being, which is complete, whole and immensely loved!